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JA-151ST-A Wireless combined smoke and heat detector with built-in siren


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SKU JA-151ST-A Category
SKU JA-151ST-A Category


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Used to detect a fire risk in the interior of residential or commercial buildings. It comprises a siren that indicates a fire alarm both from the entire detector and from another fire detector in the system.

JA-151ST-A Wireless combined smoke and heat detector with built-in siren

The detector communicates wirelessly and it is supplied by batteries (3x 1.5 V AA).

If the detector is operated without being assigned to a control panel or if communication with the control panel has been lost, it works in an autonomous mode (EN 14604).

The detector indicates a dangerous situation optically with an integrated light and a siren. It is able to acoustically report:

  • a fire alarm detected by the detector itself
  • a fire alarm from the system (alarm triggered by another fire detector)
  • another type of alarm (e.g. an intruder alarm)
  • for alarms reported by the system, sections can be set for which the alarm will be indicated

The product contains two separate detectors – an optical smoke detector and a temperature detector. The optical smoke detector uses the diffused light principle. It is very sensitive to particles that are present in thick smoke. It is less sensitive to small particles produced by the burning of liquids such as e.g. alcohol. Therefore, a heat detector is integrated, which responds better to a fire developing heat quickly with a small amount of smoke.

The fire detectors should be installed by a trained installer with a valid Jablotron certificate. The detector is not designed for installation in industrial environments.

Technical specifications

Power 3x alkaline batteries AA 1.5 V / 2.4 Ah
3x lithium batteries FR6 (AA) 1.5 V / 3.0 Ah
Please note: Batteries are not included
Typical battery lifetime approx. 3 years
Smoke detection optical light scattering
Smoke detector sensitivity m = 0.11 – 0.13 dB/m
pursuant to EN 14604:2005, EN 54-7
Heat detection class A1 according to EN 54-5
Alarm temperature + 60 °C to +65 °C
Communication band 868.1 MHz, Jablotron protocol
Communication range approx. 300 m (unrestricted area)
Dimensions diameter 126 mm, height 50 mm
Weight 150 g
Operating temperature range -10 °C to +65 °C
Also complies with EN 54-25, ETSI EN 300 220, EN 60950-1, EN 50130-4 and EN 55022.
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03

Additional information


Jablotron (Europe)

Device Type

Price Range



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